BBC News BBC News

BBC News Beijing tightens grip on China social media giants

Changes to China's State Secrets Law requires internet firms to monitor information shared by users.

BBC News 'I could not protect her': Dad mourns child killed in Channel

Ahmed Alhashimi's daughter Sara died as the family tried to cross the Channel in a small boat.

BBC News Qantas blunder lets customers view strangers' data

The airline has apologised after users of its app were mistakenly given access to personal details.

BBC News Crackdown or compromise? A tale of two US campus protests

One sent in the police, the other struck a deal with students. But why have responses been so wildly different?

BBC News Qantas passengers report seeing strangers' data on app

The airline is investigating reports of a privacy breach involving boarding passes and other details.

BBC News Qantas passengers report seeing strangers' data

The airline says it is investigating reports that customers can view other passengers' personal information.

BBC News Chinese women are partnering with strangers to save money

They are finding new ways to cut back on household spending as China’s economy loses steam.

BBC News France's far right shows off star turn for EU elections

Fabrice Leggeri is not without controversy, having resigned as head of the EU's border agency in 2022.

BBC News US moves to reclassify marijuana as less dangerous

The federal government still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug alongside heroin and ecstasy.