In the early '70s Mrs. Bhagwati Amin's passion for good authentic cuisine gave birth to a hobby. Mrs. Amin had a passion for sharing the cuisine and culture from her homeland. She served up delicious food to friends and neighbors. Soon, small Indian storeowners sought her abilities. As she worked in a clothing mill on weekdays, she would work nights and weekends to satisfy her desire to make and serve high quality foods for the community. Many advised her to open a restaurant. She knew that the time required to run a restaurant would detract her from the family's need. For this reason, she opted not to start a restaurant.
In a short time her products became popular. Mrs. Amin's husband, working as an accountant in AT&T at the time, was always eagerly supporting her endeavors.
In 1977, he helped Mrs. Amin Incorporate her hobby into a fledgling business.