"Wings" is a group comprising of upbeat single-again Indians, who have come together for friendship and company, for having fun and for support. All of us are unique in our background - representing cultures from nearly every part of India.
Many of us are single parents (some who are just single-again), and the one thing that binds us is the common experience of our past marriage. We have been getting together regularly in a family environment and it has been a very enjoyable, rewarding and even life-transforming experience for all of us and the kids. The common experience of a past marriage binds us and makes us accept each other, but not dwell on the past. Yes, it’s time to move on!
We, along with kids, partake in several informal group activities: Casual get-togethers for dinners, movies, dancing, camping, picnics as well as out-of-town trips, celebrations (Holi, Diwali), Festivals. The idea is to re-build, re-live and re-learn some of the fun times of our past, and move on with our lives in a positive fashion.
Please visit iwings.org for more information.