
Radio Surabhi - Jathara - Participate now!

  • 01 Mar 2023 06:22 AM
  • Cricket, Fashion, Dance, Register, Arts, Food

Clebrating One Year of Radio Surabhi 104.9 FM - Participate and Win Exciting Prices!
Participate - Submit your work - and win Exciting Prices!!

Musical Affair
Dance Maza
Reels on Reels - Insta Reels
Premier League
Hot Bowls
Glam Wave - Fashion Show
Talk Masters
Creative Genesis - Arts & Crafts

Early Bird Closes - March 1st
Registration Deadline: March 15th
Work Submission Deadline: March 25th

Vendor Booths Available:

Venue: Golden Eagle Ranch is located at 2240 E Blackjack Rd in Pilot Point, Texas.

For more information / To register, click the below links:
For sponsorships/stalls info, contact our studio at 9726361966 or email admin@radiosurabhi.com


Click here to Register for Musical Affair: https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/musical-affair-2



Click here to Register for Musical Affair: https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/24-frames-2


Click here to register for Dance Maza: https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/dance-maza-1



Click here to register for Premier League: https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/dance-maza-1



Click here to register for Reels on Reels https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/reels-on-reels-1



Click here to register for Creative Genesis https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/creative-genesis-diy



Click here to register for Creative Genesis https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/glam-weaves-2



Click here to register for Talk Masters: https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/talk-masters-1



Click here to register for Hot Bowls :https://www.radiosurabhianniversary.com/event-details/hot-bowls-2
