- divakar
- 08 Feb 2024 07:41 AM
- YS Sharmila, Jagan
AP CM YS Jagan proudly launched his Siddham campaign in Andhra Pradesh in order to propagate that he is ready for the coming assembly and Lok Sabha elections in Andhra Pradesh.
However, Jagan's Siddham campaign came under shrewd criticism from his own sister YS Sharmila. She ridiculed Jagan about what he is ready for.
"What are you ready for? Ready to borrow another 8 lakh crores? Are you ready to make illegal alliance with BJP again? Ready to pledge special status to BJP again? Ready to cheat on total abstinence again? Are you ready to cheat that you will build 25 lakh houses? Are you ready for liquor and mining mafia? Prepare for what? If you are ready...be prepared for AP people to send you home" Sharmila said.
Sharmila has started to amp up the political game against her brother and this direct attack from her Is just eating into the prospects of YS Jagan in the lead up to the coming elections.