
Jaishankar's Stern Warning to Pakistan at UNGA: "Terrorism Will Have Consequences"

  • 28 Sep 2024 10:26 PM
  • S Jaishankar, UNGA, cross-border terrorism

In a powerful address at the 79th United Nations General Assembly, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar delivered a pointed message to Pakistan, criticizing its decades-long policy of terrorism. Asserting that "actions will most certainly have consequences," Jaishankar emphasized that Pakistan's strategy of cross-border terrorism is fundamentally flawed and will ultimately fail.

Addressing the "Pakistan problem," Jaishankar highlighted the significant challenges Pakistan faces, particularly its ongoing economic crisis, which he attributed to "conscious choices with disastrous consequences." He noted that while many nations experience setbacks due to uncontrollable circumstances, Pakistan's plight is largely self-inflicted, with its misdeeds negatively impacting its neighbors.

Jaishankar went further to illustrate the implications of Islamabad's terror policies, stating that a society that fosters fanaticism inevitably measures its economic output in terms of radicalization and exports of terrorism. He remarked, "Today, we see the ills it sought to visit on others consume its own society," indicating that Pakistan's choices are now coming back to haunt it—an observation he framed as "karma."

In closing, Jaishankar made it clear that Pakistan's reliance on cross-border terrorism cannot be tolerated, warning that the country should expect no impunity for its actions. He reiterated that the resolution of disputes between India and Pakistan hinges on the cessation of terrorism and the return of illegally occupied Indian territory.