The Great Goddess and World Mother (Mahadevi) in Vedic Astrology

The Great Goddess and World Mother (Mahadevi) in Vedic Astrology
  • 11 Oct 2023 07:47 AM

Mahadevi, the Great Goddess, has many names and forms in Jyotish, the Vedic astrological science of light. These range from her overall cosmic influence to specific associations with planets, signs, Nakshatras and phases of the Moon. In Hindu thought, the Goddess is the Mother of the Universe from whom the origin, sustenance and dissolution of everything arises. She governs over the whole of time, as past, present and future, and all of space.

As the Supreme Mother, the Goddess cannot be limited to a single planet, sign or astrological indication. Her influences occurs on many levels and in many dimensions, coloring all the forces of the universe, which are manifestations of her Supreme Shakti. She possesses all the forms of the feminine nature, as well as all the forces and creativity of life and light. She is also formless, extending to the original matrix of time and space. We will introduce her main astrological manifestations.

The Moon is well known throughout the ancient world and in traditional cultures as the main manifestation of the Goddess. This is true in Vedic astrology as well. The Moon is the face and the smile of the Universal Mother and grants her grace, peace, inspiration, insight and bliss. When we are gazing at the Moon, it is Her presence that we are contacting and her subtle energies that we can draw in. Vedic astrology honors different aspects of the Goddess relative to her location in the zodiac and the time of the lunar month. So many poets and rishis have honored the Divine Mother and the Moon, notably in her form as Uma.

The Moon is ruled over by the force of the Cosmic Waters (Apas), which are a form of the Goddess. The Goddess as Uma Parvati, the consort of Shiva, is the presiding deity (pratyadhi-devata) of the Moon. Parvati also means she who has parts, indicating the many phases and changes of the Moon. Parvati is the Goddess of nature, the wild and yogic ascetics. She is the supreme Yogini and Yoga Shakti, leading us to the transcendent Shiva.

However, in the ancient Rigveda hymn on the Marriage of the Sun and the Moon (RV X.85), the Goddess is identified with the Sun, and the Moon is her male suitor moving around her and wooing her. As the Sun Goddess, she is called Surya Savitri, with Savitri as the knowledge power of the Sun (Surya). The Goddess is related to the worship of the Sun at sunrise (Gayatri), noon (Savitri), and sunset (Sarasvati), which are three Sandhyas or transitional times, with Sandhya also a form of the Goddess. As Ushas, she is also the Goddess of Dawn in the Vedas. As Aditi, she is the Universal Mother Goddess that gives birth to all the Sun Gods (Adityas). Other Hindu Goddesses that are associated with the Moon can also be associated with the Sun, like Ma Durga, who rides the solar lion.
