THE COOKOUT 2024, by the RIDC

  20 Nov 2024 - 20 Nov 2024

THE COOKOUT 2024, by the RIDC

Date and time

Wednesday, November 20 · 6 - 9pm CST


Brazos Hall (Rooftop)

204 East 4th Street Austin, TX 78701 United States

o our Communities of Color and our Engaged Allies, we cordially invite you to THE COOKOUT 2024 taking place on November 20, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm CST in Austin, Texas during The Running Event (TRE). Grab your plates of flavorful food, and enjoy rhythmic music, networking, and more, all while helping fundraise for the RIDC.

To be invited to THE COOKOUT signifies being entrusted with a valued place at our table, within our community, and alongside our family. This invitation comes with a responsibility to respect the cultures present and to nurture connections that extend beyond this singular occasion.

Tickets are open now, but space is limited so we encourage you to RSVP and arrive early. Hope to see you there!


*For companies attending THE COOKOUT in groups, we encourage you to include your BIPOC staff as part of your party. THE COOKOUT is open to everyone, with a focus on celebrating and uplifting BIPOC cultures and experiences.


Sponsorship opportunities are available, to learn more email