• 11 Oct 2023 07:44 AM

Shani Change 24JAN2023- Shani change will happen from DHANU to MAKAR on morning Jan 24, 2023 08:31AM. Shani ...

Shani change will happen from DHANU to MAKAR on morning Jan 24, 2023 08:31AM. Shani will become wakri on MAY-11-2023 at 7:48 degrees (retrograde). It will become maargi (direct) on SEPT-29-2023 08:17PM at 01:12 degrees of MAKAR. Shani will reach 07:27 degrees at the year end of 2023. Shani stays in MAKAR till April-29-2023 and enters KUMBH on that day 06:12AM. SHANI becomes wakri in JUNE2023 and comes back to MAKAR in JULY-12-2023. SHANI enters KUMBH again on JAN-17-2024.


    Shani in MAKAR from JAN-24-2023 to APRIL-29-2024
    Shani in KUMBH from APRIL-29-2023 to JULY-12-2024
    Shani again in MAKAR from JULY-12-2023 to JAN-17-2024
    Shani in Kumbh rashi from JAN-17-2023 for next 2+ years!

In Astrological terms, this Shani would be

    1st 5th 9th respectively to Makar, Kanya and Vrishabh Rashi (Very Good for Vrishabh, good for Kanya and middle sadesati period for MAKAR!)
    2nd 6th 10th respectively to Dhanu, Sinvha and Mesh Rashi (OK for Dhanu as last sadesati period, good for Sinvha as Shatru-Naash and good/happening/busy for Mesh)
    4th 8th 12th respectively to Tula, Mithun and Kumbh (start of Sadesati) rashi (Slow Saturation for Tula, Peeda/Loss of mass-base, revenue reduction etc for Mithun, start of sadesati – complete rejuvenation for Kumbh rashi).
    3rd 7th and 11th to Vrishchik (end of Sadesati!) Kirk (7th Shani reduction of social circle and mass base) and Meen (great gain and income) rashi!

In Short, the effect of Shani change various Rashi are as follows:

    MESH: MORE OF THE SAME – Increased influence, power and social/work status, support from reporting people, Good mass-mentality or customer mentality knowledge use for increasing revenue. Older people will delay your growth – you need them but they slow you down from dream positions. Must consult older and experienced people as else Shani will test you and make you mature by working VERY HARD and unnecessarily at times! Guru will help hugely in 2020 and Oct2021 to May2022 increasing the positive effects of this Shani! 2021 is happening but pressure-cooker indeed!
    VRISHABH: Slowly becoming right time right place. New mass/consumer base. New customers and new revenue under your influence. Good reporting people under you to support you and grow with you for the next 7 years ahead. Start of good new things. Good mass-base overall. Relocation possibility with or against wish but mostly it will be good! Guru does not support in 2020 but 2021 is magical due to Guru support!! So, 2020 see running around and unnecessary fatigue at times whereas 2021 shows HUGE Bhagyakarak year for you which is life changing!
    MITHUN: Reducing mass base, away from mass-base, reducing customers and revenue base and working alone as an expert without bigger team or people to do work for you. Using education and knowledge to get things done and not just manpower! 7th Guru helps in 2020 and again 9th Guru helps in May to July2021 and Oct2021 to May2022 So this Shani impact is the most in 2021. 2020 is helped by Guru quite a bit! Knowledge and education will save the day for you as customers or revenue reduces!
    KIRK: Reduction of excess fat or baggage and getting lean. Good selection of customers and removing some troubling folks. Some partnerships with business need relook and permanent decision only based on data and not emotions. 2021 Guru will reduce the 7th Shani effects with some much-needed expansion!
    SINGH: Social circle change, New people/customers in career and life, Trust fully only after tests and review, some micromanagement needed. Out of comfort zone but increasing status and social presence. Some excess baggage and customers and crowd or expansion in anticipation which might not be needed in future. Success over competition using your mass-bae, size of revenue or power and connections! Indirect Shatru-Naash! Due to Guru support 2020 is Wonderful – 2021 is OK slow as your competitors get visibility and Late 2021 to May2022 is expansion and again major Guru help! All is all its your time!
    KANYA: Step by step success, clerical work, number crunching, good for lawyers, timebound work/projects with specific start & end dates. Success but with hard-work. Kids will need attention; romantic matters will trouble and give reality check. Need to be careful with partnerships – personal or business and choose wisely.
    TULA: Slow & Saturation with mass-base and revenue and power, earlier misuse of power could be audited by seniors. Domestic troubles and home front issues. 3rd Guru will offset this slow period and help you a lot in 2020 and hence 2021 will be slower but again Guru will help in May to July2022 May2022 and help r reduce the stagnancy of this Shani. So, Guru is helping you balance most part except 2021 which is very slow.
    VRUSHCHIK: END of Sadesati! Right time right place in many ways! New things starting and increasing imp, good mass-base or consumer base making you relevant and imp again, good team to form under you. Tough time of sadesati prepared you to take on bigger role and responsibility for the next 23 years to come! Guru helps with wealth in 2020 but in 2021, it increases Shani positive effects MAJORLY and hence 2021 is life and career changing year for you indeed.
    DHANU: LAST 2.5 years of Sadesati: new income in life to start but need to manage wealth with care without risks. Step by step investments without major risks in this period is a must! Earlier mistakes of investments will be exposed.
    MAKAR: MIDDLE SADESATI PERIOD: A tough period which wants to increase your maturity! Mental stress & mom health issues. High stress indeed! However, with career: slowly back on track with execution of new things – it is still slow and steady but at least it STARTS new things without immediate gains. IMP to keep patience – patience is THE key in this middle sadesati period!
    KUMBH: START OF SADESATI – First 2.5 years. WHAT NEXT for the next 30 years of life – WHAT and HOW: decide before starting new things – Do not jump into action right away! Sort of a political exile – Away from existing or previous mass-base! GURU will support in 2020 & hence Sadesati effect will not be seen as much! 2021 however is VERY SLOW and TOUGH! Do NOT push matters! Learn new thing to be relevant, acquire new skills, new ability and show patience! Any Ati Ghaai – Sankataat Jaai – Ati suddha anhi – thodi ghaai suddha santataat neil! 2022 mid you will start to see a bit better prospect.
    MEEN: 11th SHANI – gains, cash-flow increase, income – one time and also monthly! Pay-off for all you did from Nov2014 of 9th 10th Guru makes 2020 very stressful and too much work and pressure-cooker! 2021 11th Guru adds “Chaar-Chaand” to the 11th Shani with additional income and money and cash flow for all things you did from Oct2018. So, you are looking at the best 2 years of the past 15 or even 30 years ahead! Last time in Similar planets Narsimha Rao of Meen rashi became PM out of nowhere! :)


    Although all this period gives you these effects to all 30 degrees of MESH rashi – in 2020 it is mostly to the ASHWINI nakshatra! Of course, it IS seen for all MESH Rashi folks but 2020 “intensity” for Ashwini and 2021 for Bharani and 2022 for Krittika of Mesh rashi.
    The 9th Shani from JAN2020 to APRIL2022 is supposed to give new mass base, new revenue sources or rather increased revenue from the same revenue sources, a new bigger position and sort of a slow but sure Bhagyoday. Now the 10th Shani will give you expansion (more of the same), volume and displacement! :) increased orders, customers and revenue!
    You will be subjected to great pressure, stress and pressure cooker situation but it is part of the growth and increase in business. People working for you will increase.
    The 10th Shani will give you complex work assignments that need micro-management. It is almost a must to take advice from experienced and older people who have done this before. Complexity of work you will get will be very high and all decisions should be supported by facts & figures -- & economic analysis. Finance and related analysis are a MUST & just following your hunch etc would get you in trouble.
    But the same older & experienced people will stop your next level promotion by seating on top of you. So, it is catch-22: you need them but you don’t like them! :)
    Older, experienced matured people advice are absolutely necessary in the 10th house Shani expansion. This is more exposed if you have SHANI or RAHU Antardasha or Bhukti in 2020/2021.
    You will get respect and a place on a podium/business conference or a meeting due to the number of people working for you (i.e. your mass-base) and not exactly for what personal skills/capability. However, 9th GURU in 2020 does ensure your knowledge and education gets due importance and rather much needed for success of expansion of 10th
    As it is usually understood that masses follow a capable person they can trust and entrust to do the right thing. At times, the 10th Shani puts some ego & bubble in the person thinking that it is their skill and their uniqueness that is causing this success but remember: it is the people that work for you are doing the difference for you.
    The 10th Shani has drushti on the 4th house means mother and native-place and house. So, this Shani takes away from parents logically or physically. Handle them with maturity and care as there could be some friction.
    Work place stress would need mom’s help at home and workplace stress would need dad’s advice BUT your higher positions make it difficult to deal with people without ego! :) Patience is the key dealing with parents and a smile on the face goes a long way!
    Shani drushti on the 7th house shows deficiencies or mistakes in the partnerships. It also takes away from spouse for some time. If partnerships / collaborations are not handled well, it can even go to the litigations/courts.
    Shani drushti on the 12th house shows travels against your wish to meet very highly placed people with great vision and strategy and they calling the shots without people knowing it!! It also gives an early indicator what kind of expenses might be required after 5 years (when Sadesati starts) sometime in March2025 to July2027.
    As SHANI is owner of the 10th (power, career, father, production, workplace) and 11th house (gains/income/cashflow) – this SHANI Movement is massive in many ways for career and income.
    SO SMILE --- despite the pressure cooker of 10th Shani – it is all for good and higher success and expansion.


    SHANI will be in Uttarashadha nakshatra in 2020 (maargi wakri etc) & hence 9th Shani impact will be mostly and intensely seen to Krittika nakshatra of Vrishabh more in 2020. Rohini will see it more in 2021 and MRIG will seen it in 2022 more so. Of course, it IS 9th house Shani for all Vrishabh folks but just that with varying intensity! 2021 will be MASSIVE for all Vrishabh folks due to 9th Guru! Life and career changing. STRONG period till May2023 from Nov2020.
    Any 9th house planet brings in some sort of Bhagyoday, travel, new position and increase in your knowledge and influence and profile. Shani being a major and long-term planet, the 9th Shani effect is profound!!
        Consider Lalkrishna Advani getting into new mass base due to Ram-Mandir andolan in the 9th Shani and becoming a household name in all Indian families.
        Consider Sharad Pawar coming back to Congress in1987/1988 and landing CM position right away until 1995 when Sadesati hit.
        Also, (Na)Paak Cricketer Imran Khan recalled from his defeat of 1987 world Cup and he had immense support from Shani right until retirement (his world cup win was the 5th Guru to Moon.) & now again from NOV2017 he is under Shani support after 30 years!
        Bill Clinton’s career also happened in 9 10 11 Shani from 1988. He had tough time with impeachments etc in Sadesati from 1996.
    In short, a GREAT era of “right time right place” & a long-term-bull-run is going to start from Jan2020 for 7.5 years ahead.
    As SHANI owns 9th and 10th house for you – this SHANI movement is extra-ordinary as SHANI is Raajyogkarak for your sign!
    Of course, Shani is nishkaam karmayogi and you HAVE to “go there and do that”. Nothing is given on a platter to you!
    Shani also is slow effect and can’t be felt in everyday life but one has to co-relate to long-term progress.
    Shani being 9th 10th 11th until July2027 is a long-term bull run with its own pressures, tests and tactics and stress and struggle from time to time as it aspects various planets of your birthtime horoscope!
    It is NOT a cake walk but well --- it is SOME walk! :)
    9th being the house of Dharma-Trikon this Shani gives a prominent position of a duty (more like a film director than say an actor). It starts some well-aligned strategic long-term initiatives and success.
    Shani 3rd drushti on the 11th house shows increased income as a cause-effect relation with increased customer base and mass-base etc. It shows next higher level of income in your life.
    Shani 10th drushti on the 6th house suggested to check health issues but these are less prominent and are leftover and revisit sorts of issues which happened more from Aug2012 to Nov2014. Still, need to get health check-ups done every year if not 6 months. Also check what Mama Mousi and maternal cousins need and how you can help them. (This is lot more applicable from Lagna-rashi if Vrishabh).
    Shani 7th Drushti on the 3rd house shows good travels, presentations, meeting influential & political or powerful people but also shows some duties towards the siblings. Check what help they need.
    The 9th could show some issues with siblings and maternal cousins. It could take you away from them due to your career/business etc and you will need to ensure you check how they are doing regularly – they will need your help.
    The 9th house itself is about some travel and it is more of a relocation and if not relocation like city or country at least building or floor in the office!
    SHANI will make NavPancham yog with Rahu from Sept2020 and it will increase its effect more from Sept2020 of RAHU change.
    GURU will be in MAKAR rashi briefly from APRIL2020 to JUNE2020 – this increases Shani’s power quite a bit and more so for KRITTIKA 2nd Charan (1st of Vrishabh) could get a good position in this period. A senior/boss/Govt etc might delay this position from April-14 to May-14 but eventually would sign-off!


    This SHANI impact would be more for MRIG Nakshatra 2 charan in Mithun and 2 charan of Ardra in 2020. Ardra lasts 2 & Punarvasu 3 charan might not have huge impact in 2020.
    The 8th house Shani movement or that of any planet is not the leverage mode (gains, income or pro-environment) and certainly for something like Shani which is nothing but our own karma-deficit.
    Any 8th house planet mandates to rejuvenate, retrospect and make a course correction. Shani in this house is no different except that this goes for a long time! :)
    Shani will force you to acquire new skills by putting you into a role that is more of an individual capacity and not getting work done by delegation from a lot of people. Means, you will be away from your mass-base.
    You must acquire new skills and the next level of maturity to lead Workers or employees of higher levels than before. The 2.5 years of the 8th Shani is the time and opportunity to plan the next 7.5 years ahead of Shani being 9 10 11 from Mid2022 but more so JAN2023.
    Shani 9 10 11 for 7.5 years from Mid2022 or JAN2023 will give you phenomenal success for all work and all contacts and all the MAHOL you created since the Sadesati ended the last time in July2007. But for that the 8th Shani is the preparation in semi-exile of sorts.
    Shani’s 3rd drushti on father & senior’s house mean you need to manage them better. Proactively check what seniors want from you and ensure there is enough interaction and they are aware of what you are doing.
    Students will be out of their comfort zone both due to some detailing needed and also managing professors diplomatically and resolving differences by patience.
    So, until mid of 2022-- Prepare well for the 9th 10th 11th Shani movement that starts end of JAN2023. This preparation would decide the magnitude of success. Remember, 1994 to Dec2000 when you were right-time right-place the last time! The same period now starts from JAN2023.
    The 8th Shani has drushti on the 5th house means one needs to watch education (students) and kids. Pay close attention to what the kids want. You will need to spend time with them not giving quick fix or quick solutions.
    The 8th Shani is about inheritance related issues. Need to pay attention to any long-ignored matters. NOT to rush these matters and take it slowly. DO NOT go for quick money or gambling.
    The 8th Shani mandates that the investments need to be handled step by step and no gambling or quick gains attempt which are against Shani drushti on the second house.
        Previous mistakes will be exposed which need to be handled with cold calculations.
        Any emotional decision would cause damage! It is imp to be practical & “just” with any investment.
        Of course, emotions are imp but there is a limit to it. Compromising some emotions to preserve most of the part of it (family prestige etc) is always a good choice.

    Simply speaking the 8th house planets are about enough sleep and rejuvenation and yoga and also homeopathy! 8th house Shani will benefit from this quite a bit.

REMEDIES: The remedy for this Shani movement is (a) Patience (b) Hard-work to cover loop holes in your karma of the past 5 years – what was ignored and who was hit hard by your actions and try to get on neutral zone if not good books (c) learn NEW things - -new skills – READ a lot (d) Talk less and READ more. (c) Help poors or simply juniors at workplace, groom or mentor juniors and help 2 3 level down people AS MUCH as you can and you will see them helping you in a few weeks or months mysteriously – directly or indirectly! I have various case studies of this happening which I have seen personally!!


    As SHANI is in Uttara nakshatra in 2020, it applies to Punarvasu of Kirk and Pushya nakshatra folks more in 2020 and not so much for Ashlesha.
    7th SHANI shows some tough time & tough luck with partnerships & collaborations!
    Previous mistakes with partnerships, marriage / relationships will be exposed and you will need to deal with them without emotions or very practically. If not then matters can go to courts too. It is highly advised to stay cool and handle with patience.
    This Shani also reduces some of the increased mass-base that was increased due to the 6th house Shani from NOV2017 till JAN2020. A bit too much overloading might have caused by 6th Shani in anticipation of growth which would not need rationalization and refinement (reduction).
    Your TEMPER will be tested somewhat and you will need to show patience with partnerships with seniors and also juniors.
    This 7th Shani is somewhat debilitating for growth etc but it is in digbali house and hence it does show sympathy and support from workers or ordinary or poor people or masses for a political leader. But you could be seen a bit helpless at times due to domestic issues and infighting.
    Shani drushti on the SUKH sthan/Home or mom house (4th) and direct drushti on Moon (mom) means closer and dear ones could cause some ego or emotional scenes! PATIENCE is the key indeed. This is more so with the mother and her health too! As Kirk is the rashi for mother – this is lot more imp.
    For lawyers or for any litigations this is a period to get complex cases/clients where there is both a good case but some guilt too! :)
    So “Mandwalli” is the name of the game in the 7th
    Shani drushti on your Moon means you need to take care of mom’s health and also avoid drinking water at shady places!
    You could also have some bad press and bad mouthing affecting your image for some time!
    There is good possibility of physical and social weight loss in this period.
    Take enough sleep which is highly necessary handle the stress of the 7th Shani!!
    Shani drushti on the 9th house could cause much needed travel you have avoided till now.


    2020 this 6th Shani effect would be predominantly to Magha nakshatra folks and lesser to Poorva and Uttara of Singh. It IS 6th Shani but intensity more to Magha!
    The 6th house Shani will completely change and expand your circle, your political connect, mass base and the sphere of influence.
    The 6th house Shani will bring in some notable success. It will be visible growth.
    This will bring in new people in your life/career. This is particularly important for folks in politics that need mass base.
    However, most of this NEW mass base or expansion is due to people from different caste, culture and language etc background than yours or the people you are with currently.
    It means you will be taken out of the comfort zone by Shani where you need to gauge and assess every new person methodically before assigning them work. You will need to ensure you check strength & weaknesses of people and give them appropriate work only! This is important as your base grows -- collecting good people below who are capable and not just loyal is very important.
    Also, imp is not to collect FAT under the name of expansion/growth.
    This growth would cause some travel (frequent) which would again cause some fatigue and health issues – have a disciplined regime and intake habits --- will need to drink a LOT OF water else stomach related ailments is a natural outcome of growth of the 6th house Shani!
    Don’t start eating and drinking all new stuff – Check where you can get your comfort food and at least one meal is needed to be of comfort food. Heavy breakfast is great for all but when Shani is 6th, it is mandatory!
    As this Shani has drushti on the 8th house, it will give early indicators of the inheritance related trouble or issues (inheritance more from lagna rashi however).
    6th house broadly is about Ayurveda and the 8th is about yoga/homeopathy! So, these aspects would help a lot!!
    Shani drushti on the 12th house indicates some expenditure or rather investment which was avoided for last 5 years in 4 and 5 Shani! You will need to invest in yourself for skills or health or some training etc.
    Shani drushti on the 3rd house indicates taking care of or helping younger siblings.
    As the 6th house is Mama / Mousi – them and also their kids could need your help – be in touch with them & check what they want (whats app group etc).
    Shani is relentless delivery of your own karma and the efforts of your last 5 years will result in the social and money and people growth that you yourself desperately wanted in these 5 years!!! It is YOUR time!!
    This SHANI would impact health more from Jan14 to FEB13 (both this year and 2020/2021). It will show tussles with seniors in this period but you could mostly win. But July-16-2020 to AUG-16-2020 would show stand-off with seniors which would need to be managed carefully and with patience and diplomacy! Mark your calendar! :)


    5th SHANI reduces the adversity and saturation and slow period of the 4th Shani till Jan2020 and also to some extent the 4th Guru in 2020.
    So far, this SHANI was more applicable to UTTARA Nakshatra in 2020. Hasta and Chitra (of Kanya only) will get to see results of 5th Shani in 2021 early 2022. Uttara continues to get good results of 5th SHANI while stagnancy of 4th Guru more so till Oct2020.
    Things would be moving for you now that’s for sure. Shani gives complex programs with many moving parts and it requires cold & dispassionate calculations. Instinct or gutfeel etc is always useful but it needs to be substantiated by cold calculations.
    Hope you have used the 4th Shani well for your skill upgradation and your rejuvenation from NOV2017 to JAN2020. :)
    The 5th house is about tactical success and execution excellence. This Shani will slowly but surely will give you success in executing your plans.
    You will be able to rally around masses or simply workers or co-workers for a common cause well. The 5th house Shani cannot be felt in a day or a month but it is a slow & steady progress.
    This 5th house programs and initiatives END when Shani moves off to the 6th house in April2022 but more so Dec2022. (2021 5th Guru and 6th Shani means GLORIOUS success!)
    So, these are time bound things you undertake and make success.
    As the 5th house is the house of duties – this is a very good position for people in jobs as this shows a position with specific daily weekly & monthly duties.
    Elder & older people will move away and create a position for you. A promotion is quite likely but cannot be directly attributed to the 5th Shani as it does not happen overnight but it is an effect of mass-base and steady hard work you do.
    This Shani is especially great news for lawyers and police & even auditors of all sorts. You would get the best of the assignments and decorated cases.
    This Shani is a testing aspect for students & even sports-people. Students would see some or at least one subject tough and would need hard work. Exam scores would need lot of hard-work as you will need to gain by talking to senior students and also elderly people and rather even older people. It is important for students to consult experienced people.
    The sports people will need to set aside their natural game and play war of attrition and game of patience. Flashy moves or adventures would show some set-backs. Patience would make you achieve anything!
    As the 5th is the house of romance and love affairs, it is simply put: tough! :) as it shows who is yours and who isn’t! Reality check will happen and it would be a blessing in disguise!
    Shani’s 3rd drushti would be on the 7th house (marriage partnerships) would recommend going careful with partnerships and collaborations. It will be an early indicator of what is going to happen in the 7th Shani movement after 5 years from March2025 to July2027.
    It helps to behave a bit lawyerly and with some inquisitive manner in the 5th Shani as many things are not as straightforward as they seem to be. Patience is the key.
    Shani drushti on the 2nd house means going steady and slow on investments. No hurry for quick gains – for new investments. Even existing investments would show how great or how bad they are – mistakes of the past 5 years would be exposed and you would be asked to take dispassionate and calculated decisions with such investments.


    In 2020 this 4th house SHANI would be seen more by CHITRA of Tula and 2 charan of Swati nakshatra! Lesser by 3 4 charan of Swati and almost none by Vishakha. For Vishakha it is like auditor is auditing your project or department but not yet at your desk! :)
    The 4th Shani is to summarize is about: domestic issues, infighting, stagnancy and need for rejuvenation, retrospect and course correction.
    The 4th house belongs to the “Moksha-Trikon” and it means inner-peace, home or farm, the native place and your mother apart from other laundry list of things. It also means close to heart (SuHrud) people. It also means “comfort-zone” - As you can see all these things will be under Shani scanner! These things will demand attention and paying off any obligations and earlier mistakes.
    This is a bit of a slow period break from the frantic pace of the 3rd Shani from Nov2014 to Jan2020! It shows stagnancy and saturation with revenue or with number of people reporting into you. It does now go down but it stagnates quite a bit. (Uddhav Thackeray had 4th Shani from Nov2014 to Oct2017 – you can relate – having eveything but not having much! :) )
    The misuse of power in the 3rd Shani will be exposed and will need to be paid off!
    Masses (workers/direct reporting folks) might not just obey any direction you are giving but they would still sympathize with you. They would still respect but would know you don’t have direct control now on many things! :) It is a bit hard to handle at times.
    This Shani takes you away from your comfort-zone, your mother and your native or home. It takes you in the close company of people who are 1/2 rungs below your economic or whatever social level at your native or your house.
    It mandates taking care of Mother’s health. The 4th Shani and the 10th drushti of Shani on Chandra means double-scrutiny of your mother’s health. Or, simply going away from your native-place and mother for a period of 2/3 years.
    As Shani drushti is also on the 6th house it is preview of health issues and issues with mama mousi that are going to happen 5 years later! Attend any issues there right now and 5 years later Shani the auditor will not give you a lot of non-conformities (NCs) with your health and maternal family cousins or mama/mousi folks. :)
    Shani drushti is also in the 10th house (workplace and father). This means ‘slow and steady wins the race’ at workplace too: Some difference of opinions with seniors. Just that this time they would have an upper hand which they couldn’t due to your 3rd house Shani connects and mass-base! :) It is all cat and mouse game! Karma that comes back to you – good or bad! :)
    As Shani is the owner of the 4th and the 5th house – some proximity and quality time spent with kids and maternal family is also seen.
    For students it means careful attention to exam paper presentation and attention to details. Some subject might surprise with complexity which are underestimated.
    For homemakers this Shani is all about domestic trouble (Saas-Bahu issues) and infighting and hence need to keep patience and handle without passion and emotions! Both mother and MIL could behave a bit funny and rather you will spend a bit too much of a time with them or completely without them both would be difficult to handle.

    Your birth-time Horoscope: All these 4th Shani events are seen in extreme if you have some non-guru planets in the 4th, 10th house from Moon which means in MAKAR/Mithun rashi. Also, Birth-Chart planets in TULA rashi and MEEN rashi in your chart also would be under Shani scanner. (You can check planets in the houses where 4 7 10 and 12 numbers are written.) more planets in these signs/rashi more the brunt of 4th house Shani is felt. These events would be of less intensity if you Guru is in an EARTH-Sign (VRISHABH, KANYA, MAKAR) in your horoscope.

REMEDIES for 4th Shani: The remedy for this Shani movement is (a) Patience (b) Hard-work to cover loop holes in your karma of the past 3 years – what was ignored and who was hit hard by your actions and try to get on neutral zone if not good books (c) learn NEW things - -new skills – READ a lot (d) Talk less and READ more. (c) Help poors or simply juniors at workplace, groom or mentor juniors and help 2 3 level down people AS MUCH as you can and you will see them helping you in a few weeks or months mysteriously – directly or indirectly! I have various case studies of this happening which I have seen personally!!


    The end of Sadesati for good in JAN2020 is the biggest news! Bravo, you came out of Sadesati now! Indeed, an ERA would be over with the end of Sadesati which started from Nov2021 but more so Aug2012.
    You are now lean, mean and ready to take on the world for the next 23 years! 2020 is OK but 2021 is amazing to say the least!
    Sadesati got rid of excess fat from you, forced to you to pay back your errors & omissions, forced to learn new skills and new maturity level.
    Shani positions in the chart and also Gochar/transit are great in 3 6 11 houses and also good in 9 10 houses followed by OK in the 1st and the 5th The 4 8 12 are the worst movements. So, you are going to get a GREAT 3rd position after 11th Shani got over in Aug2012!
    The house of expression, parakram, travel, and making a visible impact on the surroundings!
    Shivaji Maharaj had 3rd Shani in uchcha rashi in his birth-chart whereas Balasaheb Thackeray had 3rd Shani to the Chandra and 11th to the lagna-rashi. (Modi Saab has 11th Shani in the birth-time horoscope too.) This aptly shows that this Shani gives power to the person and this power is delivered by and thru the people who follow you!
    Your mass-base, your employees and your workers are not perfectly placed and you are perfectly placed to leverage them to the fullest extent. You will be able to play the king-maker. You will play your cards & deliver karma (good/bad) to the deserving people.
    You could become police and also judge together! :)
    Needless to say, politicians, police and lawyers make the most out of this Shani. Employees will win the office politics.
    The 3rd house is Kaam-Trikon house so it shows you will get the work what you love to do and not have to do!
    You will get assignments that are matching your interest quite a bit. The 2nd and 3rd Guru of 2020 and 2021 will only add to the power of this Shani!! Your word will have some great weight now!
    The 3rd Shani drushti is on all travel houses like 3 9 12 hence political travel is imminent, at times against your wishes.
    The 3rd house means siblings so you need to check what your siblings need. Spend time with them to understand what their plans are and what they are actually doing.
    Shani drushti is also on the 5th house which means education needs attention for students. Practical application of theory is needed as the 5th house is about execution and “applied” anything. Students need to watch as their popularity or politics power could get them in bad books of professors/teacher etc. Need to manage them carefully.
    As the 5th house means kids – please do watch their needs and keep aside time for them deliberately. Don’t give quick fixes to kids as they will backfire – understand what they need by deep assessment.
    If your birgth-chart have planets in MAKAR, KIRK or TULA rashi apart from Guru – this Shani will show some issues here and there and wouldn’t be all gung-ho.
    This is life and when some area of life becomes strong, some other area becomes neglected. Means the 3rd Shani will not allow 4th house activation to much which means quality time with family and near and dear folks. Means SUKH sthan power is reduced in this Shani a person works lot more than usual.
    It is great for personal achievements and achievements with your workplace but the family might not get enough time from you.
    The 3rd Shani is especially great for lawyers and police and not to mention politicians. Big things happen to these folks who have interaction with masses and law for a living!

DHANU (Sagittarius)

    GURU in your rashi in 2020 is MUCH MUCH better than 12th Guru in 2019! And now SHANI also lets go of your rashi and moves to the next rashi! :)
    The 2nd house Shani starts the final phase of Sadesati where you family wealth, family wealth decisions, your investment decisions are put under Shani’s scanner!
    Shani will expose all the mistakes and undue risks taken in the past 27 years with the investments. Any debts not paid would be affect severe financial penalty and hence you better ensure you are clear your records books.
    You will be forced to cut losses in some investments by taking very pragmatic, curt and emotion-less decisions. Your decisions will need to be based on cold-calculations and not passionate outburst.
    Any of your need for credit from your relatives might be met with a rude surprise giving you a reality check who stands by you in your crunch time.
    You had this indication to smaller level in the 12th Shani from Nov2014 to Oct2017 and if you had not made amendments and continued to depend on these unreliable folks – you will be in for a rude surprise.
    Any NEW investments must be slow and steady and staggered and not in dramatic manner or in a hurry!! Must do all calculations and verifications yourself.
    However, like ANY planets in the 2nd house it gives or rather starts a new income in your life for all the efforts you put in when the planet was 12 and 1st to you.
    So, Shani was 12 and 1 from NOV2014 to JAN2020 for you and NOW from JAN2020, the second house movement it will expose your earlier blunders, it will also now start fresh new income for you BUT slowly and steadily.
    Whatever was planned and executed in the last 5 years from Nov2014 will not bear some fruits from 2020 to 2022 end.
    Shani in 2nd and drushti on 11th advises NOT going after quick bucks and easy money! Karmanyewadhikaraste! It is hard-earned and hence much deserved and your own money and not riding a wave etc!
    Shani is masses or workers and now AGAIN after 5 years of Gap – your income would be again be proportional to the number of folks work for you (your mass-base). Shani 12 and 1 makes you earn individually by your own skills and improving your ability but this 2nd Shani now gives you NEW mass-base, higher level of workers and hence your income now starts going up as people working under you start going up.
    Shani drushti on the 4th house means some stays away from native / house / family / mom from time to time. Mom health needs attention but lesser than middle 2.5 years that went by! Shani 3rd aspect on the SUKH sthan shows how Shani is going to take you away from your comfort zone from March2025 to July2027 in the 4th house Shani movement. It is an early indicator for you.
    Shani drushti on the 8th house shows some tussle and tough time with inheritance or prize money or simply easy money. No easy money for you in these 2.5 years and none from Shani at least as the 2nd Guru in 2021 CAN give some inheritance related matter partial success! :)
    GURU in 2020 helps with optimism and slowly coming back on track as per your desires! It is slow but sure. 2021 GURU 2nd means additional new income and you becoming more relevant. But your next very good position is late 2021 toMay2022 period with the 3rd Guru giving you something you always wanted.

MAKAR (Capricorn)

    SHANI in your rashi mean middle Sadesati period is much better than the 12th house Shani so far! It starts to make you relevant again but very slowly. 2020 GURU is in the 12th house and hence 2020 is one of the SLOWEST periods of Sadesati and would make you feel sadesati a lot more than so far!
    Shani’s forced political exile and being away from masses and reducing masses and revenue or employee base till JAN2020 will stop now. Now you will have new mass-base which is one at a time and hard-earned by the new skills learned in the 12th Shani from NOV2017. Slow but steady progress on career with increasing results step by step – no magic but your own efforts to give you direct tangible results now. It is time to EXECUTE things and occupy good higher positions & offices of certain monthly weekly and etc duties. It is all SLOW and STEADY – nothing in a hurry at all.
    The 1st house Shani is the end of “WHAT NEXT for next 30 years” question asked by Shani from Nov2017. Now you have decided what you would be doing and how you would be doing it. BUT GURU in 2020 asks you “WHAT next for the next 12 years of life”. And hence this planning and blueprinting continues in 2020 also! You are the architect of your own life of next 12 years sin 2020! Decide WHAT first and next HOW!
    Despite this 12th Guru which forces WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years: you will start executing some ideas and plans. Execution hurry until now for BRAND NEW things would have been a mistake. But now, you are equipped to start execution of new ideas as enough “Wichaar-Manthan” (brain-storming) has been done.
    Still it is only about execution and having some daily, weekly and monthly responsibilities and not getting any immediate gains!
    It is like a Car is designed and now being produced but would start to sell in the 2nd Shani from May2022. You will need to correct planning, design with your execution experience in the first stage!
    Shani travelling over you birth-time Chandra means your temperament and mental health will be tested! You will feel the mental stress and pressure at office and home both. Having patience and being calm helps – understand the difference between “react and response”. :)
    Shani travel on Chandra exposes heath issues of your mother. Need to take care of mental and physical health of mom. Need to keep aside time for that as worst part is that one has to go away from mom and native most of the times when Shani is on the Chandra. So further attention to mom is required deliberately.
    Your legs/knees could get hurt as MAKAR takes pressure and stress on the legs!
    Water propagated deceases are possible and hence need to avoid water at shady places! Drink clean water always and more so in middle sadesati period!
    Shani drushti on the 10th house shows some issues with father and difference of opinions with the seniors. Need to handle them with maturity and perseverance. Quick fix and quick reactions would not get you anywhere. NO sudden actions and resignations or “RUTH ke baithana” with seniors. It will not help. Make aware of your issues to seniors and their seniors in a diplomatic and tactful way. This is always true! :) but now you will be subjected to such events! Remember how was Aug2012 to Nov2014 with seniors and you will experience somewhat similar stuff.
    Shani drushti on the 7th house can also take away from spouse and business partners or could expose deficiencies with the business partners! Be careful with new partnerships and documents eveything in black and white using a lawyer!!
    Shani drushti on the 3rd house – care of siblings and more so younger ones.

    Shani in rashi starts getting you back your mass base which 12th Shani has taken away or taken you away. It brings back your workers and your people back to you. You get sympathy and good support from these folks. This is what could be used to offset relationships with seniors quite a bit. Your people can create good support and pressure for you and this political pressure could help you get what your seniors will give reluctantly! So, ensure your people ate happy with you or at least you are treating them with mutual respect etc. 12th Guru makes 2020 very slow and 2nd Guru 2021 a bit better! The best next break which is major comes to you from May2022 to May2023 time period! Given that India is makar rashi -- you will be impacted more as the Country state also impacts each and every one!

KUMBH (Aquarius)

    Sadesati starts for you now from 24JAN2020 – Welcome to the SHANI’s training of maturity and patience and hard-work! Slow & steady wins the race! Of course, Guru 11th in 2020 means you would not notice Sadesati in 2020 unless Dhanishtha nakshatra! Guru makes 2020 a REWARDING year despite Sadesati!! The 11 Guru from Nov2019 to Nov2020 will give you much needed income and something to hang on to and pay off for all you did from Sept2017! So, it helps in 2020 to offset Sadesati. 2021 would be 12th Guru where Sadesati impact would be the biggest and felt emotionally or to ego!
    The 12th house Shani is difficult to handle even though it doesn’t make you fall but keeps at the similar levels for say 3-5 years before the 2nd Shani from Jan2023 starts new money in your life.
    WHAT NEXT is the question every planet asks you in the 12th house!
    Funny/Height is that in the 11th Mars Sachin had scored 2 centuries against Australian attack but in the 12th Mars he couldn’t score anything against New Zealand when even Bhajji scored 2 centuries!!! :) :)
    So, the 12th SHANI being the slowest planet asks this question “What Next for the next 30 years of life” to you bold underlined! You are supposed to work on WHAT and HOW in the 2.5 years of SHANI movement. DO NOT Jump hastily in the NEW fields. Take your time to PLAN and calculate new things. SLOWLY SLOWLY!
    Step by step expansion of existing is just fine BUT the brand-new fields execution should not start until the 1st Shani which starts from Jan2023.
    The 12th House is planning, vision and spending of time money and effort on OURSELVES!! Need to invest in SELF so that you can leverage that for the next 30 years of your life!
    12th Shani is NOT bad in itself – it is GREAT for upgrading your skills, learning new things, learning new level of maturity, auditing self, asking questions to self and correcting the life course/path.
    TOTAL rejuvenation and retrospect are needed initially. And then it gives you an idea as to WHAT to do and THEN you start working on HOW to do it – BLUEPRINTING Is what the 12th Shani is about.
    The 12th Shani is the worst for the political leaders as it is almost a loss of mass base or completely away from mass base like Pawar Saheb in the 1995/1996 (same with Advani in 1996 1997 as Wajpayee was projected for PM position).
    If power was abused in the past 7 years, then it could cause jail time also. Exile could mean anything and to the extreme also. So bigger your circle of influence, bigger the issues you face during the 12th house Shani. Most people abuse the power they are given in 9 10 11 Shani (till Jan2020) and hence end up eating their words or seeing the same people they insulted or underestimated getting ahead! :)
    The 12th Shani has drushti on the 9th house – so 2 travel houses in Shan impact means previously avoided travels and obligation travel against your wish.
    The 12th Shani also make you work independently away from people (mass-base) who you can delegate your things. It is a blessing in disguise but it is BAD for EGO! :) :)
    Any ego which you displayed due to being on top of a few people – these people might now be with someone else! :)
    In a good and great Mahadasha this 12th Shani means slower growth but learning new things and new environments.
    So, you could work with acute experts of some fields and would gain from their knowledge BUT it means you HAVE to gain from their knowledge else you are left high and dry! Advice from older folks reduces losses in the 12th Shani for sure!
    Talk to Bujurg/senior folks and don’t learn everything on your own! :) Shani drushti on the 6th house also suggest overall checkup of health – long ignored expense on health to be ready for the next 30 years of life – lean and mean!

MEEN (Pisces)

    This 11th house SHANI is helped further by Guru in 2020 and 2021 making the overall experience absolutely wonderful. The last time Meen Rashi had such planetary formations – Narsimha Rao became the PM out of nowhere in the early 1990s! Don’t abuse this power and be “fair and just” as Sadesati starts in Jan2023.
    Any planet in the 11th house is magical – right time at right place with whatever that planet represents in your life/chart. A planet like Shani that takes almost 27 years to come 11th house is absolutely a positive force for you.
    Shani means masses/workers & overall mass-base for all folks due to “Karakatva” of Shani. Shani for MEEN rashi is the owner of the 11th and 12th house (expense/abroad/investments). This means income and expense both but also means income from abroad too or distant people 12-15 hours away!
    So, this Shani makes you a hit with the masses. You will have people around you would inflate your ego just like the WILD success of Michael Jackson in the 80s when he had both Shani 9 10 11 and his uchcha Shani Mahadasha. People power is with you in 9 10 11 Shani from NOV2014 to DEC2022.
    The 11th Shani means your money is directly proportional to the number of people you serve or command or lead. More the merrier. You will see great income & windfall gains for all what you did from Aug2012 to Nov2014 when Shani was 8th and you were trying to rejuvenate yourself.
    You will have a great income and feel good that is a big thing as Shani stays in one sign for 2.5 years. Unless you are in a karmic debt Antardasha, you are going to be a big hit.
    Invest wisely as after 11th Shani it is sadesati from JAN2023. Power misuse is very much possible in the 9 10 11 Shani which needs to be paid off in the 12th Shani from JAN2023 to March2025. Only someone like Narendra Modi (Vrishchik rashi, Tula lagna), can get through the 12th Shani from Aug2012 to Nov2014 without political exile or major issues but even he needs to go thru CBI enquiry of 6 hours or so! (he had mentioned it was the toughest 6 hrs he faced ever).
    Shani equals “own karma” literally. So, Shani ensures each & every karma of past 7 years is paid to you fully in cash now from Jan2020 to April2022.
    It is highly advisable NOT to leave the place or job or a business which you started say from 2010 as it would give all it has to offer by Jan2020! LAGE RAHO!
    The 11th house Shani has drushti on Chandra means it gives early indicators with health of mother and self as to what is going to happen after 5 years (March2025 tot July2027). Reserve time for yourself for health/exercise etc.
    Shani drushti on the 8th house means some inheritance issues and even health issues are brought to fore that were not resolved in the 8th Shani movement from August2012 to Nov2014. You are advised to deal with these issues with cold calculations --- without pride & prejudice! :)
    Shani drushti on the 5th house indicates some neglect of kids is possible and hence dedicated time needs to be given to them. Check what they want in detail and don’t give quick fixes.
    You will get importance at every podium where number of people with you is an important aspect. This is especially good for the politicians and say actors.
