Koratala Siva, a renowned filmmaker in the Telugu film industry, recently drew attention with his remarks about taxpayer privileges during a podcast hosted by former IAS officer Jayaprakash Narayanan. Known for his successful directorial ca more...
Koratala Siva, a renowned filmmaker in the Telugu film industry, recently drew attention with his remarks about taxpayer privileges during a podcast hosted by former IAS officer Jayaprakash Narayanan. Known for his successful directorial ca more...
India celebrated Independence Day on the 15th of this month with traditional festivities, including the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hosting an “At Home” event at his residence. This event featured flag h more...
India celebrated Independence Day on the 15th of this month with traditional festivities, including the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hosting an “At Home” event at his residence. This event featured flag h more...
Sri Lankan wicketkeeper-batter Niroshan Dickwella has been suspended by Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) following allegations of an anti-doping violation. The suspension, announced with immediate effect on Friday, relates to an incident during the more...
Sri Lankan wicketkeeper-batter Niroshan Dickwella has been suspended by Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) following allegations of an anti-doping violation. The suspension, announced with immediate effect on Friday, relates to an incident during the more...
The Virendra Kumar Dhall Scholarship for Sporting Excellence has been introduced by Indian entrepreneur Aman Dhall at Loughborough University to honor his late father and support emerging athletes. This new initiat more...
The Virendra Kumar Dhall Scholarship for Sporting Excellence has been introduced by Indian entrepreneur Aman Dhall at Loughborough University to honor his late father and support emerging athletes. This new initiat more...
Nara Lokesh, Minister for Human Resources, has provided detailed explanations regarding the 'Red Book,' a record maintained by his party to document the alleged misrule and atrocities committed by the previ more...
Nara Lokesh, Minister for Human Resources, has provided detailed explanations regarding the 'Red Book,' a record maintained by his party to document the alleged misrule and atrocities committed by the previ more...
The Andhra Pradesh police department has intensified its scrutiny of YCP leaders accused in various criminal cases, with Devineni Avinash recently becoming the latest target. Avinash, who has been active in the Yuvajana Sram more...
The Andhra Pradesh police department has intensified its scrutiny of YCP leaders accused in various criminal cases, with Devineni Avinash recently becoming the latest target. Avinash, who has been active in the Yuvajana Sram more...
Nara Bhuvaneshwari has recently made headlines for her substantial philanthropic contribution to the Anna Canteens initiative in Andhra Pradesh. In a heartfelt gesture, she donated 1 Crore rupees through the NTR Trust, which she oversees. T more...
Nara Bhuvaneshwari has recently made headlines for her substantial philanthropic contribution to the Anna Canteens initiative in Andhra Pradesh. In a heartfelt gesture, she donated 1 Crore rupees through the NTR Trust, which she oversees. T more...
Minimalist Living Minimalist living is a lifestyle choice focused on simplifying life by reducing physical and mental clutter, allowing individuals to concentrate on what truly matters. Rooted in the idea that less is more, minim more...
Minimalist Living Minimalist living is a lifestyle choice focused on simplifying life by reducing physical and mental clutter, allowing individuals to concentrate on what truly matters. Rooted in the idea that less is more, minim more...
Fitness and Nutrition Fitness and nutrition are two pillars of a healthy lifestyle, working together to improve physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Incorporating regular physical activity and a balanc more...
Fitness and Nutrition Fitness and nutrition are two pillars of a healthy lifestyle, working together to improve physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Incorporating regular physical activity and a balanc more...
Work-Life Balance Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for maintaining overall well-being and ensuring long-term happiness. In today’s fast-paced world, where work demands often spill into personal time, strik more...
Work-Life Balance Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for maintaining overall well-being and ensuring long-term happiness. In today’s fast-paced world, where work demands often spill into personal time, strik more...