In a heartwarming display of compassion, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar stopped his convoy to assist an injured man in Pune. On Tuesday morning, as Pawar was en route to the Pune Circuit House, he encountered a man who had bee more...
In a heartwarming display of compassion, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar stopped his convoy to assist an injured man in Pune. On Tuesday morning, as Pawar was en route to the Pune Circuit House, he encountered a man who had bee more...
In a recent development, Mahavir Singh Phogat, the acclaimed wrestling coach, voiced his discontent with his niece, Vinesh Phogat, over her sudden shift from wrestling to politics. Vinesh, who was disqualified from the Paris 2024 Olympics d more...
In a recent development, Mahavir Singh Phogat, the acclaimed wrestling coach, voiced his discontent with his niece, Vinesh Phogat, over her sudden shift from wrestling to politics. Vinesh, who was disqualified from the Paris 2024 Olympics d more...
Union Minister Hardeep Puri has launched a sharp critique against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi following his recent comments made during an event in the United States. Puri condemned Gandhi for criticizing the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) more...
Union Minister Hardeep Puri has launched a sharp critique against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi following his recent comments made during an event in the United States. Puri condemned Gandhi for criticizing the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) more...
Firebrand leader Raghu Rama Krishna Raju has established himself as a prominent figure in Andhra Pradesh politics by boldly opposing Jagan Mohan Reddy and leveraging his position to effect change. His rise to prominence came after the 2019 more...
Firebrand leader Raghu Rama Krishna Raju has established himself as a prominent figure in Andhra Pradesh politics by boldly opposing Jagan Mohan Reddy and leveraging his position to effect change. His rise to prominence came after the 2019 more...
Rahul Gandhi, the Congress leader, made headlines with his recent comments during a press interaction in Washington, D.C. He raised allegations about the fairness of the Indian general elections, suggesting that they were not conducted in a more...
Rahul Gandhi, the Congress leader, made headlines with his recent comments during a press interaction in Washington, D.C. He raised allegations about the fairness of the Indian general elections, suggesting that they were not conducted in a more...