In a heartbreaking incident at Vishnu Nivasam in Tirupathi, four people lost their lives in a stampede, and over 25 others were injured. The tragedy occurred when a large crowd of devotees had gathered to receive tokens for the Vaikuntha Dw more...
In a heartbreaking incident at Vishnu Nivasam in Tirupathi, four people lost their lives in a stampede, and over 25 others were injured. The tragedy occurred when a large crowd of devotees had gathered to receive tokens for the Vaikuntha Dw more...
New York City's congestion pricing plan has entered its second day, with the city experiencing a typical volume of vehicles despite brutally cold temperatures. While some commuters, like Vincent Calabrese, believe the plan will improve more...
New York City's congestion pricing plan has entered its second day, with the city experiencing a typical volume of vehicles despite brutally cold temperatures. While some commuters, like Vincent Calabrese, believe the plan will improve more...
Air Chief Marshal AP Singh has raised serious concerns about the ongoing delays in the delivery of the Tejas fighter aircraft, calling for an urgent boost in private sector partnerships for defence product development. Speaking at the 21st more...
Air Chief Marshal AP Singh has raised serious concerns about the ongoing delays in the delivery of the Tejas fighter aircraft, calling for an urgent boost in private sector partnerships for defence product development. Speaking at the 21st more...
Republican Congressman Lance Gooden has voiced strong opposition to the Biden administration's decision to investigate Indian billionaire Gautam Adani's companies, questioning the motivations behind the probe. In a letter to Attorne more...
Republican Congressman Lance Gooden has voiced strong opposition to the Biden administration's decision to investigate Indian billionaire Gautam Adani's companies, questioning the motivations behind the probe. In a letter to Attorne more...
Jean-Marie Le Pen's Legacy and Political Impact: Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of France's far-right National Front (later National Rally) party, passed away at the age of 96. His political career gained significant attention when more...
Jean-Marie Le Pen's Legacy and Political Impact: Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of France's far-right National Front (later National Rally) party, passed away at the age of 96. His political career gained significant attention when more...
Xi Jinping's Recent Speech and Military Drills Chinese President Xi Jinping's New Year's speech included a stern message about Taiwan, emphasizing that China's reunification with the island is inevitable and unstoppable. To more...
Xi Jinping's Recent Speech and Military Drills Chinese President Xi Jinping's New Year's speech included a stern message about Taiwan, emphasizing that China's reunification with the island is inevitable and unstoppable. To more...
The UK government is taking decisive action to protect women and girls from the harm caused by sexually explicit deepfakes. In a new proposal, individuals who create or share these images could face criminal charges. This initiative aims to more...
The UK government is taking decisive action to protect women and girls from the harm caused by sexually explicit deepfakes. In a new proposal, individuals who create or share these images could face criminal charges. This initiative aims to more...
In an effort to curb excessive spending and reduce alcohol abuse, Ballo village in Punjab’s Bathinda district has introduced a unique initiative. The village panchayat has announced a cash reward of Rs 21,000 for families who choose n more...
In an effort to curb excessive spending and reduce alcohol abuse, Ballo village in Punjab’s Bathinda district has introduced a unique initiative. The village panchayat has announced a cash reward of Rs 21,000 for families who choose n more...
The United Nations has expressed grave concern over the significant increase in executions in Iran, with reports indicating at least 901 people were executed in 2024, including a particularly high number in December. UN rights chief Volker more...
The United Nations has expressed grave concern over the significant increase in executions in Iran, with reports indicating at least 901 people were executed in 2024, including a particularly high number in December. UN rights chief Volker more...
On Monday, Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy inaugurated the Aramghar-Nehru Zoological Park flyover, the second-longest flyover in Hyderabad, which spans four kilometers and has been constructed at a cost of Rs 800 crore. This six-l more...
On Monday, Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy inaugurated the Aramghar-Nehru Zoological Park flyover, the second-longest flyover in Hyderabad, which spans four kilometers and has been constructed at a cost of Rs 800 crore. This six-l more...