In a disturbing incident in Prempur village, Sabarkantha, Gujarat, a one-year-old girl became seriously ill after consuming a packet of Gopal Namkeen, which contained a dead rat. The child's father reported that after feeding the namkee more...
In a disturbing incident in Prempur village, Sabarkantha, Gujarat, a one-year-old girl became seriously ill after consuming a packet of Gopal Namkeen, which contained a dead rat. The child's father reported that after feeding the namkee more...
During a podcast with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath, Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened up about his experiences handling anxiety and emotions during pivotal moments in his political career, particularly focusing on the Godhra train bur more...
During a podcast with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath, Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened up about his experiences handling anxiety and emotions during pivotal moments in his political career, particularly focusing on the Godhra train bur more...
The wildfires in Southern California have left a devastating mark on the region, destroying numerous cultural, historic, and cinematic landmarks. Here's a summary of the notable sites affected: Palisades Charter High School more...
The wildfires in Southern California have left a devastating mark on the region, destroying numerous cultural, historic, and cinematic landmarks. Here's a summary of the notable sites affected: Palisades Charter High School more...
An inquiry into the actions of British Special Forces (UKSF) during the Afghanistan conflict has revealed serious allegations of war crimes, including extrajudicial killings and efforts to cover up these unlawful a more...
An inquiry into the actions of British Special Forces (UKSF) during the Afghanistan conflict has revealed serious allegations of war crimes, including extrajudicial killings and efforts to cover up these unlawful a more...
Delhi Police have apprehended a Class 12 student for his involvement in a series of bomb hoaxes that caused panic across numerous schools in the national capital. According to officials, the minor’s motive was to avoid taking his scho more...
Delhi Police have apprehended a Class 12 student for his involvement in a series of bomb hoaxes that caused panic across numerous schools in the national capital. According to officials, the minor’s motive was to avoid taking his scho more...
Dense fog enveloped parts of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) this morning, significantly reducing visibility and resulting in disruptions to travel. More than 150 flights were delayed, with an average delay of 41 minutes, as rep more...
Dense fog enveloped parts of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) this morning, significantly reducing visibility and resulting in disruptions to travel. More than 150 flights were delayed, with an average delay of 41 minutes, as rep more...