
Debate-Summer Camp-Test

  • 18 Jun 2024 09:10 AM
  • Education & Training, studies, Classes

Debate-Summer Camp

Inspiring people Inspiration Masters Worldwide

Our camp empowers students with vital skills:

  • Identifying logical fallacies for critical thinking.
  • Improving vocal inflection and communication.
  • Impromptu speaking and quick thinking.
  • Mastering cross-examination techniques.
  • Developing effective rebuttal skills.
  • Hone note-taking abilities.
  • Engaging in debate scenarios for CX and PF formats.

Don't miss out on this fun and interactive opportunity to become a skilled debater! Our Debate Discovery Summer Camp offers:

  • Rebuttal Practice: Hone your ability to counter arguments effectively.
  • Participate in Mini Debates: Engage in lively debates with your peers.
  • Voice Your Opinions: Your voice deserves to be heard!

Camp Details:

Dates: July 24 to 28

Time: 10 AM to 12 PM

Register at: bit.ly/3LSPX4Y

Contact us: 972.974.7573

Website: www.inspirationmasters.com