
Electoral Bonds: How much did TDP, YSRC, BRS, JSP Make?

  • 15 Mar 2024 02:10 PM
  • Electoral Bonds

As per the strict order from the Supreme Court of India, SBI has submitted the fiscal details pertaining to electoral bonds, which served as anonymous deposits to political parties in India. The data was furnished by the Election Commission today and here is a look into the same. 

The biggest benefactor of the electoral bonds scheme is the ruling party in the center, BJP which made over Rs 11,000 crores through this anonymous donation program.

Down below is the list of parties that got benefited the most through this program.

BJP- Rs 11562 Cr 
Trinamool Congress- Rs 3214 Cr 
Indian Congress Committee- Rs 2818 Cr 
BRS - Rs 2278 Cr 
BIJU Janata Dal - Rs 1550 
DMK - Rs 1230 Cr 
YSRCP- Rs 662 
Shivsena- Rs 437 Cr 
Rasbtriya Janta Dal- Rs 316 Cr 
AAM- Rs 130 Cr

BRS is the biggest benefactor from the Telugu states with Rs 2278 crores in donation. YSRCP made Rs 662 crores and TDP received Rs 437 crores. JanaSena received Rs 42 crores.