Manu Bhaker, the double Olympic medallist shooter, recently made headlines after reports revealed her name was missing from the list of athletes nominated for the prestigious Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award. Bhaker, the first Indian athl more...
Manu Bhaker, the double Olympic medallist shooter, recently made headlines after reports revealed her name was missing from the list of athletes nominated for the prestigious Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award. Bhaker, the first Indian athl more...
After much anticipation, the International Cricket Council (ICC) has finally revealed the schedule for the 2025 Champions Trophy. The prestigious tournament, set to be played in a hybrid format across Pakistan and Dubai, will kick off with more...
After much anticipation, the International Cricket Council (ICC) has finally revealed the schedule for the 2025 Champions Trophy. The prestigious tournament, set to be played in a hybrid format across Pakistan and Dubai, will kick off with more...