NUMERO Angle People keep asking from time to time

NUMERO Angle People keep asking from time to time
  • 11 Oct 2023 07:45 AM

People keep asking from time to time – “are you and how” you are tying Horoscope with Numerology for predictions or even personality description. I think over the years I observed thousands of people and formed my opinions on the same. For example I saw that L10 in 1st house shows own business and drive to do own business but this is prominently observed when the person is born on 1, 10, 19 or 28. This happens lesser for say 2, 11, 20, 29 born folks despite having L10 in the 1st house. 

Similarly a person born with Moon-Rahu or Moon-Ketu conjunction has desire for publicity and often gets it but it happens more and in greater intensity when the person is born on 2, 11, 20, 29 dates that are ruled by Moon. Similarly, trading ability or ability to express is seen in the people of Kanya and Mithun rashi folks but it happens a LOT more when the person is born on 5, 14, or 23 dates, 

So how to analyse horoscope along with Numerology? Here is some of the free-form food for thought. 

Say a person is born on the date of 2 (2, 11, 20, 29) and the total birthdate adds to 9 (say 29th April 1974). In such case Moon & Mars are the two planets that rule the “personality” (2: Moon) and the “life purpose” (9: Mars) of the person. So you have got to look at these two planets in the horoscope very carefully. The person is carrying these two planets with him/her all the times! i.e. all their actions & reactions to gochar or even destiny events are dominated predominantly by these two planets. Do we need to say that the Mahadasha or Antardasha of these two planets would be of IMMENSE significance to this person and would tend to be Raajyog-karak Mahadasha for them in some way!! So you have destiny Raajyog-karak planets as per ascendant sign and Moon Sign --- and GOCHAR Raajyog-karak planets as per numerology ruling planets. Of course, it is not that segregated and combination of both is imp. 

We can’t say that the maha or antar of these two planets would be very good only! Rather, they will be lot more significant i.e. intense – good or bad is of course the past karma (destiny / horoscope). i.e. Mars Mahadasha is lot more significant to someone born on 9 18 and 27 than say someone born on 5 14 23 or 8 17 26 as Budh and Shani are very different from Mars. 

When Numero ruiling matches with the Moon Sign or Sun Sign or Ascendant Sign – then this planet becomes all the more important and its placement and its Governor-ship or karakatva has a GREATER impact on life. For example Balasaheb Thackeray born on 23rd was also of Kanya rashi person. This means Mercury – Budh is important and his life was dominated by this planet (Cartoonist, orator, expression etc). As Budh was in the 1st house – he took responsible positions or actual designations (Editorial) etc n the field ruled by Mercury and not Saturn (Politics). 

That means the personality (birthdate) and life purpose (complete addition) planets need to have a SPECIAL analysis in the horoscope. The sign, the house, the TRIKON they are in will dominate the major part of their life. 

For me 2 (11: Moon) and total of 18 (9 Mars) has dominated the life so far: Moon – desire for publicity, attention, Connection with younger people, money, people contact, emotions sensitive approach, concern for others and friendly. Moon in 1st house with Rahu enhances the insatiable DESIRE for publicity. Moon Mahadasha from 2012 to 2022 only underscores this desire – The success will depend on the past karma and this life karma so far! Jury is out and we would know by 2022 ki kitane BULB lagaye hain! J Similarly Mangal the owner of the 1st house and Life purpose is matching and it is in 8th house – GUDH shastra and it is in Mithun 1st degree of MRIG nakshatra – multiple interests. But 8th house and with Shani fo Mangal Mahadasha from 2022 to 2029 would not be FUN for sure! J It would show BITTER fights with older astrologers and challenging status quo in astrology and DEBATES DEBATES AND DEBATES!!!! J” J As you can also see from my current FB wall --- arguments almost every other day! J 

SO 1st house Moon – Vrishchik rashi – dominated by 9. Moon & Ascendant both the same dominated by number 9 and owned by 9 and Mangal in 8th house (GUDH, Spiritual, but Gemini so debates, short writing arguments etc) – Life Purpose number of 9 ------ So again it is Mars – which is in sync with the horoscope 

These things did not take a VERY BIG form in Shukra mahadasha from 1986 to 2006. Despite study and rather much deeper study from 1991 – the venturing into Astro or people contact etc started happening lot more from 2006. 

You will always see big friend circles and sports teams etc bound together by numbers of 2 and 9. Big friend circles are often flanked by these two numbers. 

So always when you see ANY horoscope --- check birthdate ruler and total addition ruler and treat these planets and their houses in a detailed manner in the horoscope! They will drive your analysis freakishly accurate! J Even KP should take an additional ruling planet apart from LSRD which is owner of the date itself!
