Comparison Between Vedic and Western Astrology

Comparison Between Vedic and Western Astrology
  • 17 Apr 2024 10:57 AM
Vedic and Western astrology are two distinct systems that offer unique insights into human lives through the positions of celestial bodies. Despite sharing common roots in ancient astrological practices, they have evolved with different methodologies and interpretive frameworks.   Zodiac Signs: One of the fundamental differences lies in the zodiac systems they use. Vedic astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, which is aligned with the current positions of constellations. It accounts for the precession of equinoxes, adjusting for a shift caused by the earth’s rotation over centuries. Western astrology, however, uses the tropical zodiac, which is aligned to the seasons and does not adjust for precession. This results in a discrepancy of about 24 degrees between the two zodiacs.   Planetary Rulerships: Both systems recognize the importance of planets in influencing life on earth, but they differ in the significance and rulerships assigned to some planets. For instance, Vedic astrology does not typically include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which are considered in Western astrology. Moreover, the rulerships of signs by planets in both systems can differ, influencing interpretation.   House Systems: Another significant difference is the house system used. Vedic astrology primarily uses the whole sign house system, where each house corresponds to one whole zodiac sign. Western astrology, on the other hand, employs various house systems, with the Placidus system being the most popular. This impacts how the houses, which represent different areas of life, are calculated and interpreted.   Predictive Techniques: Both systems use charts to make predictions, but Vedic astrology emphasizes the Dasha systems—predictive timelines of planetary periods that indicate the active influences in a person’s life. Western astrology relies more on transits, progressions, and aspects between planets.   Despite these differences, both Vedic and Western astrology seek to provide profound insights into individual destinies and life patterns, using celestial cues to guide and enrich human lives. Each system, with its unique approaches, offers valuable perspectives to those seeking understanding from the stars.
